Danielle Fradet

My time as a Junior Specialist is split between two ongoing projects at MWFB. For the Delta Project, I conduct field work focused on bats, small mammals, birds, and herpetofauna and help with data analysis. For the Sacramento Valley Avian Inventory, I am the lead biologist for our Bird Haven Ranch bird inventories and nest box program.  I also am leading an automated recorder study examining differences in avian occupancy, diversity and peak singing periods for habitats at Bird Haven Ranch.  I also assist with curation, specimen preparation and collecting of birds for the Sac Valley inventory.  I am a WFCB alumna and worked at MWFB for the entirety of my undergraduate experience, learning how to prepare specimens, band birds, and conduct a variety of field methods. I also did my Honors Senior Capstone using audio recording units to determine avian occupancy through MWFB. I am interested in working with private landowners to conserve and restore habitat to increase avian abundance and diversity.